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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

10 Extremely Cursed Tool Images That Are Sure To Ruin Your Day

As the tool community grows more and more, it becomes abundantly clear that any tool company worth a hoot possesses valuable tried and true consumer data, giving them insights into what we, the consumer, would find practical and useful. Now enter a new dawn of time when frankly, who gives a crap about practicality and pragmatics when you can just turn to the darkest corners of the internet to solve your useless tools' utility issues. Behold, a list of 11 cursed tool images that will most certainly ruin your day:

1. Tactical Glue Gun

Starting the list off strong we have a tactical glue gun for someone who's
 looking for only the most precise, accurate gluing performance around. Seems like
 a bit of a niche market for Arrow to cover.

2. Chainsaw-saw

I don’t know what STIHLs been up to lately, but I sure hope they move past this
 phase. Is that a bike pedal? I'm done. I don’t even know what to say about this thing.

 3. Handyboy Tool

Weird concept, questionable name. I feel like this tool may have been
 specifically designed for those of us that find navigating a basic
 tool kit totally useless. Who needs the right tool when you could strip your
nuts, bolts, and screws in more than one way?

4. The Last Hammer You'll Ever Use

I'll go out on a limb (pun most certainly intended) and say that this hammer never made
it past the demonstration phase. 

5. Vamp-Pliers

Yikes, this cursed tool is by far the creepiest one on the list. I mean, it's got
 ACTUAL teeth. It's bad enough that there's only one pair, but two, really? I just
really hope that whoever made this finds their peace

6. Chain-Flaw

Here we have a bit of an offshoot from #2 (the chainsaw-saw not the other #2… okay
maybe both) with the same basic idea, absurdity.

7. Multi-Cruel

Seems a little impractical for an everyday carry eh? Multitools are
 getting out of hand as it is and now this? Does it come with a belt holster?

8. Whyobi

A truly masterful representation of mankind's ability to overcome its most
 daunting engineering challenges. I shouldn’t really say anything negative about
people in general, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if this was a genuine attempt at
 hacking the system.

9. Rando Wrench

When your companies think-tank shifts its focus from useful, to useful enough. Or maybe they just ran out of ideas? All I know is that the size difference in the heads is not enough to justify its utility. 

10. Finger Wrench

And last but certainly not least, we have the finger wrench. You
 know, for your more delicate projects. This wrench is sure to add a nice
touch ;-) to your tool selection. And totally not creepy.

Alright, this one isn't cursed unless it comes alive and starts launching
 welding consumables at you. I doubt it will though. I just
 thought it was pretty cool.


In conclusion, if you catch someone making a totally impractical tool that they aren't proud of, snap a picture of it. You just may see me poking fun at it someday. As always, thank you, and let me know how you liked this content. Make sure to tell me if you would like to see more like it in the future down in the comments. Cheers!

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