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Saturday, January 29, 2022

Quick Tips: 20 Genius Ways To Use A Multitool

 The multitool is without a doubt one of the handiest and most useful tools I've ever owned. I'm sure most of you can agree with me. With a multitool, you have the ability to cut, sand, scrape, and gouge. Plus, they're fully capable on a wide range of materials, so its pretty easy to see why its one of the most popular tools used by professionals and DIYers today. 

Here we can see Bacren Property & Fencing giving you 20 useful ways you can use your multitool. First he'll give you a brief explanation about the blades, then he spends the rest of the video demonstrating and explaining the ins and outs of his 20 ways to use a multitool. Enjoy! 

What do you think about these 20 genius ways to use a multitool? Let's talk about it in the comments. Don’t forget to head on over to the Bacren Property & Fencing YouTube Channel and say hi! As always, thanks and let me know about what you think of my blog below!

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